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The Kenyan coastline offers just under 500km of pristine beauty that has long been an open secret amongst locals and is becoming more popular with visitors every year. From Kiwayu to Msambweni, the coast offers unique experiences fringed with palm trees from North to South. So planning your coastal getaway can come with a challenge: Lamu and Watamu? If you find yourself torn between these enchanting coastal destinations, allow us to share insights from in-destination travel experts, ensuring your next Kenyan coastal escape is as easy as 1, 2, 3, booked. And at Resident Rates, of course. 

Lamu: A Glimpse of Ancient Charm

Step into the labyrinthine alleys of Lamu, and you're transported to a bygone era. This UNESCO World Heritage site whispers tales of centuries past, and its timeless allure is its most potent charm. Life in Lamu is the epitome of pole-pole, and you can’t help but adopt the slowly-slowly mentality when visiting. 

What to expect:

Cultural Immersion: Lamu “Old Town” offers a unique cultural experience, offering visitors the opportunity to immerse yourself in Swahili history, explore old mosques, and soak in the rhythms of traditional festivals. The nearby town of Shela offers visitors a slightly more beachy experience, with direct access to an unspoilt stretch of pristine coastline. 

Serene Ambiance: The unhurried pace of life here is contagious. Tranquillity reigns, making it perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Slow mornings, long lazy afternoons and early evenings welcomed by the sound of the call to prayer ringing through the narrow streets make this the perfect destination to spend time doing what modern society almost never allows time for - nothing. 

Authentic Cuisine: Savour the flavours of Swahili cuisine in its birthplace. From aromatic spices to delectable seafood, Lamu's culinary scene is an adventure of its own. Don’t miss the opportunity to snack and sip on the floating restaurant just off the island - a truly special way to enjoy the sunset. 

Limited Activities: While Lamu is ideal for leisure, the range of activities is narrower compared to some other coastal destinations. Thrill-seekers might enjoy deep-sea fishing, or a daytrip to Manda Toto, but the joy of this destination lies largely in the opportunity to simply be. 

Minimal Nightlife: If you seek vibrant nightlife, Lamu might not offer the bustling scene you're looking for. The patio at Peponi Hotel in Shela bustles at sunset and thins out after dinner, when most visitors and locals alike settle in for the night after a long day of, well, pole-pole life. 

Watamu: A Tapestry of Nature's Grandeur

Watamu paints a picture of azure waters and lush landscapes. Here, nature unfurls in all its splendour. The small coastal town north of Mombasa is best known for the Watamu Marine National Park and Reserve and the unspoilt sandy beaches and coral gardens that define this stretch of the coast. 

What to expect: 

Abundant Marine Life: Watamu is a marine paradise. Snorkel or dive in the Watamu Marine National Park to witness the vibrant underwater world.

A Variety of Activities: From water sports to exploring Gede Ruins and Arabuko-Sokoke Forest, Watamu caters to a variety of interests. Sports-junkies and those who can’t sit still on holiday will find more than enough to keep them occupied. 

Beach Bliss: The sun-kissed beaches are postcard-perfect, providing endless opportunities for relaxation and water activities. Beach bars are scattered along the coast, allowing for long lazy sun-soaked lunches that stretch into evenings spent dancing under the stars. 

Tourist Crowds: Given its popularity, Watamu can get crowded during peak seasons, detracting from a sense of complete seclusion. However, this does make for a more festive energy and those looking for a vibe will enjoy the crowds. 

Limited Cultural Immersion: While rich in natural beauty, Watamu offers less cultural immersion compared to Lamu. While Lamu’s Old Town is known as the oldest and best-preserved Swahili settlement in East Africa, Watamu’s crystal-clear waters offer a dream destination for those who want to spend their days snorkelling and diving, and the surrounding area is home to an abundance of wildlife.

Choosing Your Coastal Getaway: Lamu or Watamu?

Your choice ultimately depends on the experience you seek. If you’re looking for a journey back in time, through history and culture, where the pace of life matches your heartbeat, Lamu beckons. On the other hand, if marine wildlife and diverse array of activities by the sea sounds more your speed, Watamu opens its arms.

Whether it's Lamu's ancient charm or Watamu's natural wonders, Secret Safari invites you to explore Kenya's coastal wonders at exclusive Resident Rates. Sign up today for free for instant access to live bookability to discounted rates reserved exclusively for Kenyan residents and locals. 

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